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Tools for gravitational-wave analyses
Read trigger files. More...
#include <ReadTriggers.h>
Public Member Functions | |
bool | GetStatus (void) |
Returns the object status. | |
Constructors and destructors | |
ReadTriggers (const string aPattern, const string aDirectory="", const unsigned int aVerbose=0) | |
Constructor of the ReadTriggers class. | |
virtual | ~ReadTriggers (void) |
Destructor of the ReadTriggers class. | |
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double | GetFrequencyMax (void) |
Returns the absolute maximum frequency [Hz]. | |
double | GetFrequencyMin (void) |
Returns the absolute minimum frequency [Hz]. | |
string | GetProcessName (void) |
Returns the process name. | |
string | GetProcessUser (void) |
Returns the process user name. | |
string | GetProcessVersion (void) |
Returns the process version. | |
double | GetQMax (void) |
Returns the absolute maximum Q value. | |
double | GetQMin (void) |
Returns the absolute minimum Q value. | |
double | GetSnrMax (void) |
Returns the absolute maximum SNR value. | |
double | GetSnrMin (void) |
Returns the absolute minimum SNR value. | |
bool | GetStatus (void) |
Returns the object status. | |
string | Merge (const string aOutputDirectory) |
Merge all input files into one single file. | |
ReadTriggerMetaData (const string aPattern, const string aDirectory="", const unsigned int aVerbose=0) | |
Constructor of the ReadTriggerMetaData class. | |
virtual | ~ReadTriggerMetaData (void) |
Destructor of the ReadTriggerMetaData class. | |
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void | Add (const string aTag, const string aKey, const double aDefaultValue, const unsigned int aSize=0) |
Adds an option to the list (double). | |
void | Add (const string aTag, const string aKey, const int aDefaultValue, const unsigned int aSize=0) |
Adds an option to the list (int). | |
void | Add (const string aTag, const string aKey, const string aDefaultValue, const unsigned int aSize=0) |
Adds an option to the list (string). | |
void | Add (const string aTag, const string aKey, const unsigned int aDefaultValue, const unsigned int aSize=0) |
Adds an option to the list (unsigned int). | |
void | AddOptionValue (const string aTag, const string aKey, const double aValue) |
Appends a value to a variable-size option (double). | |
void | AddOptionValue (const string aTag, const string aKey, const int aValue) |
Appends a value to a variable-size option (int). | |
void | AddOptionValue (const string aTag, const string aKey, const string aValue) |
Appends a value to a variable-size option (string). | |
void | AddOptionValue (const string aTag, const string aKey, const unsigned int aValue) |
Appends a value to a variable-size option (unsigned int). | |
void | Copy (GwollumOptions *aG) |
Copies an external GwollumOptions object into this. | |
void | FillTree (void) |
Saves options in a TTree. | |
double | GetOptionDefaultD (const unsigned int aOptionIndex) |
Returns an option default value. | |
int | GetOptionDefaultI (const unsigned int aOptionIndex) |
Returns an option default value. | |
string | GetOptionDefaultS (const unsigned int aOptionIndex) |
Returns an option default value. | |
unsigned int | GetOptionDefaultU (const unsigned int aOptionIndex) |
Returns an option default value. | |
unsigned int | GetOptionIndex (const string aTag, const string aKey) |
Returns the option index. | |
string | GetOptionKey (const unsigned int aOptionIndex) |
Returns an option key. | |
unsigned int | GetOptionNumberOfValues (const string aTag, const string aKey) |
Returns the option number of values. | |
unsigned int | GetOptionSize (const string aTag, const string aKey) |
Returns the option size. | |
unsigned int | GetOptionSize (const unsigned int aOptionIndex) |
Returns an option size. | |
unsigned int | GetOptionsN (void) |
Returns the number of options. | |
string | GetOptionTag (const unsigned int aOptionIndex) |
Returns an option tag. | |
char | GetOptionType (const string aTag, const string aKey) |
Returns the option type. | |
char | GetOptionType (const unsigned int aOptionIndex) |
Returns an option type. | |
double | GetOptionValueD (const string aTag, const string aKey, const unsigned int aValIndex) |
Returns an option value (double). | |
bool | GetOptionValueD (double &aValue, const string aTag, const string aKey, const unsigned int aValIndex) |
Returns an option value (double). | |
int | GetOptionValueI (const string aTag, const string aKey, const unsigned int aValIndex) |
Returns an option value (int). | |
bool | GetOptionValueI (int &aValue, const string aTag, const string aKey, const unsigned int aValIndex) |
Returns an option value (int). | |
string | GetOptionValueS (const string aTag, const string aKey, const unsigned int aValIndex) |
Returns an option value (string). | |
bool | GetOptionValueS (string &aValue, const string aTag, const string aKey, const unsigned int aValIndex) |
Returns an option value (string). | |
vector< double > | GetOptionValuesD (const string aTag, const string aKey) |
Returns the list of option values (double). | |
vector< int > | GetOptionValuesI (const string aTag, const string aKey) |
Returns the list of option values (int). | |
vector< string > | GetOptionValuesS (const string aTag, const string aKey) |
Returns the list of option values (string). | |
vector< unsigned int > | GetOptionValuesU (const string aTag, const string aKey) |
Returns the list of option values (unsigned int). | |
unsigned int | GetOptionValueU (const string aTag, const string aKey, const unsigned int aValIndex) |
Returns an option value (unsigned int). | |
bool | GetOptionValueU (unsigned int &aValue, const string aTag, const string aKey, const unsigned int aValIndex) |
Returns an option value (unsigned int). | |
bool | Is (const string aTag, const string aKey) |
Checks whether an option exists. | |
bool | IsProvided (const string aTag, const string aKey) |
Checks whether an option was provided. | |
bool | IsTheSame (GwollumOptions *aG) |
Checks whether two GwollumOptions objects are identical. | |
bool | ReadChain (bool &aIsUniform, TChain *aChain) |
Reads options from a TChain. | |
unsigned int | ReadTextFile (const string aOptionFile) |
Reads an option file and extract the list of options. | |
bool | ReadTree (const string aRootFileName, const string aTreeName) |
Reads options from a TTree in a ROOT file. | |
bool | ReadTree (TTree *aTree) |
Reads options from a TTree. | |
void | RemoveOption (const string aTag, const string aKey) |
Removes an option. | |
void | Reset (void) |
Resets the list of options. | |
void | ResetOption (const string aTag, const string aKey) |
Resets the list of option values. | |
void | SetDefault (const string aTag, const string aKey) |
Sets an option to default value. | |
void | SetOptionValue (const string aTag, const string aKey, const unsigned int aValIndex, const double aValue) |
Sets a value of an option (double). | |
void | SetOptionValue (const string aTag, const string aKey, const unsigned int aValIndex, const int aValue) |
Sets a value of an option (int). | |
void | SetOptionValue (const string aTag, const string aKey, const unsigned int aValIndex, const string aValue) |
Sets a value of an option (string). | |
void | SetOptionValue (const string aTag, const string aKey, const unsigned int aValIndex, const unsigned int aValue) |
Sets a value of an option (unsigned int). | |
void | WriteH5 (H5::H5File *aFile, H5::DataSpace &aDataSpace) |
Writes the options as attributes in a hdf5 file. | |
void | WriteTextFile (const string aFileName) |
Writes all options in a text file. | |
void | WriteTree (const string aTreeName) |
Writes the option TTree in a TFile. | |
void | WriteTree (const string aTreeName, const string aRootFileName, const string aSubDirectory="") |
Writes the option TTree in a TFile. | |
GwollumOptions (void) | |
Constructor of the GwollumOptions class. | |
virtual | ~GwollumOptions (void) |
Destructor of the GwollumOptions class. | |
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bool | AddSegment (const double aGpsStart, const double aGpsEnd, const int aTag=1) |
Adds a segment to the list. | |
bool | AddSegments (Segments *aSeg) |
Adds a segment list to the list. | |
bool | Append (const double aGpsStart, const double aGpsEnd, const int aTag=1) |
Appends a segment to the list. | |
bool | Append (Segments *aSeg) |
Appends segments to the list. | |
bool | Append (TTree *aSegmentTree) |
Appends segments to the list. | |
bool | Append (vector< double > aGpsStarts, vector< double > aGpsEnds, vector< double > aTags) |
Appends segments to the list. | |
bool | ApplyPadding (const double aPadStart, const double aPadEnd) |
Apply a padding to all segments. | |
void | Dump (unsigned int aNcols=2, const string aTxtFileName="") |
Dumps the current segment list in the standard output or in a file. | |
double | GetDuration (const unsigned int aSegmentIndex=0) |
Returns the duration of a given segment. | |
double | GetEnd (const unsigned int aSegmentIndex=0) |
Returns the ending time of a given segment. | |
vector< double > | GetEnds (void) |
Returns the list of segment ends. | |
double | GetFirst () |
Returns the starting time of the first segment. | |
TH1I * | GetHisto (const double aOffset=0.0) |
Returns an histogram representing the segments. | |
TH1I * | GetHistogram (const double aGpsStart, const double aGpsEnd, const double aOffset=0.0) |
Returns an histogram representing the segments. | |
double | GetLast () |
Returns the ending time of the last segment. | |
double | GetLiveTime (const double aGpsStart, const double aGpsEnd) |
Returns the livetime between two GPS times. | |
double | GetLiveTime (const unsigned int aSegmentIndex) |
Returns the livetime of one segment. | |
double | GetLiveTime (void) |
Returns the total livetime. | |
double | GetLiveTimeWithTag (const int aTag) |
Returns the livetime for segments with a given tag. | |
unsigned int | GetN (void) |
Returns the number of time segments in the list. | |
unsigned int | GetNWithTag (const int aTag) |
Returns the number of time segments in the list with a given tag. | |
int | GetSegmentStartBefore (const double aGps) |
Returns the segment starting just before a given GPS time. | |
double | GetStart (const unsigned int aSegmentIndex=0) |
Returns the starting time of a given segment. | |
vector< double > | GetStarts (void) |
Returns the list of segment starts. | |
bool | GetStatus (void) |
Returns the class status. | |
int | GetTag (const unsigned int aSegmentIndex=0) |
Returns the tag of a given segment. | |
vector< int > | GetTags (void) |
Returns the list of segment tags. | |
TTree * | GetTree (const double aGpsStart, const double aGpsEnd) |
Returns a formatted TTree representing the segments. | |
TTree * | GetTree (void) |
Returns a formatted TTree representing the segments. | |
bool | Intersect (const double aGpsStart, const double aGpsEnd, const int aTag=1) |
Intersects with a segment. | |
bool | Intersect (Segments *aSeg) |
Intersects with a segment list. | |
bool | IsInsideSegment (const double aGps) |
Checks whether a given GPS time is inside a segment of the list. | |
bool | IsInsideSegment (unsigned int &aSegmentIndex, const double aGps) |
Checks whether a given GPS time is inside a segment of the list. | |
bool | MakeSecond (void) |
Rounds segment boundaries to integer seconds. | |
void | Reset (void) |
Resets the segment list. | |
bool | Reverse (void) |
Reverses the segment list. | |
void | SetTag (const unsigned int aSegmentIndex, const int aTag) |
Tags a given segment. | |
void | SetTags (const int aTag) |
Tags all segments. | |
bool | TruncateAfter (const double aGps) |
Removes segments after a given time. | |
bool | TruncateBefore (const double aGps) |
Removes segments before a given time. | |
Segments (void) | |
Default constructor of the Segments class. | |
Segments (const string aSegmentFile, const int aDefaultTag=1) | |
Constructor of the Segments class. | |
Segments (TTree *aSegmentTree) | |
Constructor of the Segments class. | |
Segments (const string aFilePattern, const string aDirectory, const string aTreeName) | |
Constructor of the Segments class. | |
Segments (const vector< double > aGpsStarts, const vector< double > aGpsEnds) | |
Constructor of the Segments class. | |
Segments (const double aGpsStart, const double aGpsEnd, const int aTag=1) | |
Constructor of the Segments class. | |
virtual | ~Segments (void) |
Destructor of the Segments class. | |
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void | GetDetectorAMResponse (double &aFplus, double &aFcross, const double aRa, const double aDec, const double aPsi, const double aGmst) |
Computes antenna factors \(F_+\) and \(F_\times\). | |
unsigned int | GetDetectorIndex (void) |
Returns the detector index for this stream. | |
string | GetDetectorPrefix (void) |
Returns the detector prefix for this stream. | |
string | GetDirectory (const string aOutDir=".") |
Returns the stream directory. | |
double | GetLocalTime (const double aRa, const double aDec, const double aGeocentricTime) |
Converts the geocentric time to the detector local time [s]. | |
string | GetName (void) |
Returns the stream full name. | |
string | GetNameConv (void) |
Returns the stream name using the LIGO-Virgo file name convention. | |
string | GetNamePrefix (void) |
Returns the stream name prefix. | |
string | GetNameSuffix (void) |
Returns the stream name suffix. | |
string | GetNameSuffixUnderScore (void) |
Returns the stream name suffix with only underscores. | |
TH2D * | GetSkyAntennaFactor (const unsigned int aGpsTime) |
Returns the sky map of the detector antenna factor for a given time. | |
bool | GetSkyRingPoint (double &aThetaS, double &aPhiS, const double aGmst, const double aDeltaT, const double aOmegaS, Streams *aDprime) |
Returns the sky position of a GW signal when detected by two detectors. | |
bool | GetSkyRingPointRaDec (double &aDecS, double &aRaS, const double aGmst, const double aDeltaT, const double aOmegaS, Streams *aDprime) |
Returns the sky position of a GW signal when detected by two detectors (radec). | |
string | GetTriggerFileName (const unsigned int aGpsStart, const unsigned int aDuration, const string aFileFormat="root", const string aProcessName="PROC", const string aOutDir=".") |
Returns the stream trigger file name. | |
void | SetName (const string aName) |
Sets a new name to the stream. | |
Streams (const string aName, const unsigned int aVerbose=0) | |
Constructor of the Streams class. | |
virtual | ~Streams (void) |
Destructor of the Streams class. | |
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double | GetHighPassFrequency (void) |
Returns the current highpass frequency. | |
unsigned int | GetNativeFrequency (void) |
Returns the current native sampling frequency [Hz]. | |
bool | GetStatus (void) |
Returns the class status. | |
unsigned int | GetWindowSize (void) |
Returns the window size (=0 if no windowing). | |
unsigned int | GetWorkingFrequency (void) |
Returns the current working sampling frequency [Hz]. | |
void | SetDCRemoval (const bool aDCremove=true) |
Activates/Deactivates the DC removal. | |
bool | SetFrequencies (const unsigned int aNativeFrequency, const unsigned int aWorkingFrequency, const double aHighPassFrequency=0.0) |
Defines frequencies for the transformation. | |
bool | SetHighPassFrequency (const double aHighPassFrequency) |
Defines a highpass frequency. | |
bool | SetNativeFrequency (const int aNativeFrequency) |
Sets a new native sampling frequency. | |
void | SetWindow (const unsigned int aWindowSize, double *aWindow) |
Defines the window. | |
bool | SetWorkingFrequency (const unsigned int aWorkingFrequency) |
Sets a new working sampling frequency. | |
bool | Transform (const unsigned int aInSize, double *aInData, const unsigned int aOutSize, double *aOutData) |
Transforms data. | |
Sample (const unsigned int aVerbosity=0) | |
Constructor of the Sample class. | |
virtual | ~Sample (void) |
Destructor of the Sample class. | |
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bool | AddTrigger (const double aTime, const double aFrequency, const double aSNR, const double aQ, const double aTstart, const double aTend, const double aFstart, const double aFend, const double aAmplitude, const double aPhase) |
Adds a trigger to the Triggers object (only available in write-mode). | |
bool | Clusterize (const int aTag=1) |
Clusters the triggers. | |
double | GetClusterAmplitude (const unsigned int aClusterIndex) |
Returns the amplitude of a given cluster. | |
double | GetClusterBandwidth (const unsigned int aClusterIndex) |
Returns the bandwidth of a given cluster [Hz]. | |
double | GetClusterDuration (const unsigned int aClusterIndex) |
Returns the duration of a given cluster [s]. | |
Long64_t | GetClusterFirstTrigger (const unsigned int aClusterIndex) |
Returns the index of the first trigger in a given cluster. | |
double | GetClusterFrequency (const unsigned int aClusterIndex) |
Returns the frequency of a given cluster [Hz]. | |
double | GetClusterFrequencyEnd (const unsigned int aClusterIndex) |
Returns the end frequency of a given cluster [Hz]. | |
double | GetClusterFrequencyStart (const unsigned int aClusterIndex) |
Returns the start frequency of a given cluster [Hz]. | |
int | GetClusterIndex (const double aTime) |
Returns the index of cluster overlapping a given GPS time. | |
double | GetClusterizeDt (void) |
Gets the clustering \(\delta t\) parameter. | |
unsigned int | GetClusterizeSizeMin (void) |
Gets the cluster minimal size: \(M_{min}\). | |
double | GetClusterizeSnrThr (void) |
Gets the SNR threshold for clustering. | |
double | GetClusterMaxDuration (void) |
Returns the maximal duration of clusters [s]. | |
double | GetClusterMeanDuration (void) |
Returns the mean duration of clusters [s]. | |
unsigned int | GetClusterN (void) |
Returns the current number of clusters in memory. | |
double | GetClusterPhase (const unsigned int aClusterIndex) |
Returns the phase of a given cluster [rad]. | |
double | GetClusterQ (const unsigned int aClusterIndex) |
Returns the quality factor of a given cluster. | |
unsigned int | GetClusterSize (const unsigned int aClusterIndex) |
Returns the size (number of triggers) a given cluster. | |
double | GetClusterSnr (const unsigned int aClusterIndex) |
Returns the signal-to-noise ratio of a given cluster. | |
int | GetClusterTag (const unsigned int aClusterIndex) |
Returns the tag of a given cluster. | |
double | GetClusterTime (const unsigned int aClusterIndex) |
Returns the time of a given cluster [s]. | |
double | GetClusterTimeEnd (const unsigned int aClusterIndex) |
Returns the end time of a given cluster [s]. | |
double | GetClusterTimeStart (const unsigned int aClusterIndex) |
Returns the start time of a given cluster [s]. | |
double | GetClusterTotalDuration (void) |
Returns the total duration of clusters [s]. | |
bool | GetStatus (void) |
Returns the class status. | |
double | GetTriggerAmplitude (const Long64_t aTriggerIndex) |
Returns the amplitude of a given trigger. | |
double | GetTriggerBandwidth (const Long64_t aTriggerIndex) |
Returns the bandwidth of a given trigger [Hz]. | |
double | GetTriggerDuration (const Long64_t aTriggerIndex) |
Returns the duration of a given trigger [s]. | |
double | GetTriggerFrequency (const Long64_t aTriggerIndex) |
Returns the frequency of a given trigger [Hz]. | |
double | GetTriggerFrequencyEnd (const Long64_t aTriggerIndex) |
Returns the end frequency of a given trigger [Hz]. | |
double | GetTriggerFrequencyStart (const Long64_t aTriggerIndex) |
Returns the start frequency of a given trigger [Hz]. | |
Long64_t | GetTriggerN (void) |
Returns the current number of triggers in memory. | |
double | GetTriggerPhase (const Long64_t aTriggerIndex) |
Returns the phase of a given trigger [rad]. | |
double | GetTriggerQ (const Long64_t aTriggerIndex) |
Returns the quality factor of a given trigger. | |
double | GetTriggerSnr (const Long64_t aTriggerIndex) |
Returns the signal-to-noise ratio of a given trigger. | |
double | GetTriggerTime (const Long64_t aTriggerIndex) |
Returns the time of a given trigger [s]. | |
double | GetTriggerTimeEnd (const Long64_t aTriggerIndex) |
Returns the end time of a given trigger [s]. | |
double | GetTriggerTimeStart (const Long64_t aTriggerIndex) |
Returns the start time of a given trigger [s]. | |
bool | ReadTriggerFiles (const string aPattern, const string aDirectory="") |
Reads a set of trigger files. | |
void | Reset (void) |
Resets the Triggers object. | |
void | ResetClusters (void) |
Resets the list of clusters. | |
void | SetClusterizeDt (const double aDt) |
Sets a new clustering \(\delta t\) parameter. | |
void | SetClusterizeSizeMin (const unsigned int aSizeMin) |
Sets the cluster minimal size: \(M_{min}\). | |
void | SetClusterizeSnrThr (const double aSnrThr) |
Sets the SNR threshold for clustering: \(\rho_{min}\). | |
void | SetClusterTag (const int aTag) |
Sets a new tag value for all clusters. | |
void | SetClusterTag (const unsigned int aClusterIndex, const int aTag) |
Sets a new cluster tag value. | |
bool | SetTriggerBranchStatus (const string aBname, const bool aStatus=true) |
Modifies the branch status of the trigger tree. | |
bool | SortTriggers (void) |
Sort triggers by increasing values of tstart (only available in write-mode). | |
Triggers (const unsigned int aVerbose=0) | |
Constructor of the Triggers class. | |
virtual | ~Triggers (void) |
Destructor of the Triggers class. | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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string | Name |
Stream name. | |
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double | fHighPassFrequency |
Cutoff frequency. | |
unsigned int | fNativeFrequency |
Native sampling frequency. | |
bool | fRemoveDC |
DC removal flag. | |
double * | fWindow |
Window. | |
unsigned int | fWindowSize |
Window size. | |
unsigned int | fWorkingFrequency |
Working sampling frequency. | |
Monitor * | mon |
Class monitor. | |
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Monitor * | mon |
Class monitor. | |
int | randid |
Random integer to identify the class object. | |
string | srandid |
Random integer (string) to identify the class object. | |
double | Tamp |
Trigger amplitude. | |
double | Tfend |
Trigger ending frequency [Hz]. | |
double | Tfreq |
Trigger frequency [Hz]. | |
double | Tfstart |
Trigger starting frequency [Hz]. | |
Long64_t * | Toffsets |
Tree offsets in the chain (read-mode) - DO NOT DELETE. | |
double | Tph |
Trigger phase [rad]. | |
double | Tq |
Trigger Q. | |
double | Tsnr |
Trigger SNR. | |
double | Ttend |
Trigger GPS ending time. | |
double | Ttime |
Trigger GPS time. | |
TTree * | Ttree |
Pointer to active Ttree. | |
TChain * | Ttree_read |
Trigger tree read-mode. | |
TTree * | Ttree_write |
Trigger tree write-mode. | |
double | Ttstart |
Trigger GPS starting time. | |
int | Ttstart_us |
Trigger starting time (us). | |
Read trigger files.
This class was designed to read triggers saved in ROOT files with the MakeTriggers class. It inherits from the Triggers (reading-mode) and the ReadTriggerMetaData classes. The purpose is to offer a class which logically loads all the trigger information contained in trigger files: the triggers, the segments and the metadata.
ReadTriggers::ReadTriggers | ( | const string | aPattern, |
const string | aDirectory = "" , |
const unsigned int | aVerbose = 0 |
) |
Constructor of the ReadTriggers class.
The trigger files designated by the file pattern 'aPattern' are loaded. The triggers, the segments and the metadata are accessed in the root directory 'aDirectory'.
aPattern | input file pattern |
aDirectory | trigger ROOT directory |
aVerbose | verbosity level |
virtual |
Destructor of the ReadTriggers class.
inline |
Returns the object status.
Combines ReadTriggerMetaData::GetStatus() and Triggers::GetStatus().