GWOLLUM  4.2.0
Tools for gravitational-wave analyses
EventMap Class Reference

Map triggers. More...

#include <EventMap.h>

Inheritance diagram for EventMap:
Collaboration diagram for EventMap:

Public Member Functions

bool BuildClusterMap (const int aMapIndex, const int aCl, const double aTimeCenter=0.0)
 Builds the map of a given cluster. More...
bool BuildMap (const int aMapIndex, const double aTime)
 Builds the map centered on given GPS time. More...
int GetMapFrequencyMax (const int aMapIndex)
 Returns the map maximum frequency. More...
int GetMapFrequencyMin (const int aMapIndex)
 Returns the map minimum frequency. More...
int GetMapFrequencyResolution (const int aMapIndex)
 Returns the map frequency resolution. More...
double GetMapLoudestFrequency (const int aMapIndex)
 Returns the frequency value of the (SNR) loudest tile of a given map. More...
double GetMapLoudestSNR (const int aMapIndex)
 Returns the SNR value of the loudest (SNR) tile of a given map. More...
double GetMapLoudestTime (const int aMapIndex)
 Returns the time value of the loudest (SNR) tile of a given map. More...
double GetMapMatch (double &aTimeShift, double &aMatchSumw2, const int aMapIndex, EventMap *aExtMap, const int aExtMapIndex, const double aTimeJitter=0.0)
 Measures and returns the morphology match with an external map. More...
double GetMapMatch (double &aTimeShift, double &aMatchSumw2, const int aMapIndex1, const int aMapIndex2, const double aTimeJitter=0.0)
 Measures and returns the morphology match between 2 maps. More...
int GetMapTimeRange (const int aMapIndex)
 Returns the map time range. More...
int GetMapTimeResolution (const int aMapIndex)
 Returns the map time resolution. More...
bool NormalizeMap (const int aMapIndex)
 Normalizes the map pixels by the highest pixel value. More...
bool NormalizeMapLoudest (const int aMapIndex)
 Normalizes the map pixels by the value of the loudest (SNR) tile. More...
bool PrintMap (const int aMapIndex)
 Prints the map with a given index. More...
bool PrintMapLive (const double aDuration, const string aOutFile="none")
 Prints a live movie of maps incrementing the current central time. More...
bool PrintMapNext (const double aTimeFraction=0.25)
 Prints the map incrementing the current central time. More...
void SetMapAmplitudeContent (void)
 Sets map content to tile amplitude. More...
bool SetMapFrequencyRange (const int aMapIndex, const double aFreqMin, const double aFreqMax)
 Sets a new map frequency range. More...
bool SetMapQRange (const int aMapIndex, const double aQMin, const double aQMax)
 Sets a new map Q range. More...
bool SetMapResolution (const int aMapIndex, const int aTresolution, const int aFresolution)
 Sets a new map resolution. More...
void SetMapSNRContent (void)
 Sets map content to tile SNR. More...
bool SetMapTimeRange (const int aMapIndex, const double aTimeRange)
 Sets a new map time range. More...
Constructors and destructors
 EventMap (const int aNmaps, const string aPattern, const string aDirectory="", const int aVerbose=0)
 Constructor of the EventMap class. More...
virtual ~EventMap (void)
 Destructor of the EventMap class. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from GwollumPlot
void AddLegendEntry (const TObject *aObj, const string aLabel, const string aStyle="LPF")
 Adds a legend entry. More...
void AddLegendHeader (const string aLabel)
 Adds a legend header. More...
void AddText (const string aText, const double aX, const double aY, const double aSize, const int aPadIndex=0)
 Adds text in the plot. More...
void Clear (const int aPadIndex=0)
 Clear pad. More...
void DivideCanvas (const unsigned int aNpads)
 Divides current canvas into sub-pads. More...
void DivideCanvas (const unsigned int aNx, const unsigned int aNy)
 Divides current canvas into sub-pads. More...
void Draw (TObject *aObj, const string aOptions="", const int aPadIndex=0)
 Draws ROOT object. More...
void DrawLegend (void)
 Draws current legend box. More...
unsigned int GetColorPalette (const unsigned int i)
 Returns color number i in current palette. More...
string GetCurrentStyle (void)
 Returns current style name. More...
int GetHeight (void)
 Returns the canvas height. More...
unsigned int GetNumberOfColors (void)
 Returns the number of colors in current palette. More...
int GetOxColorIndex (unsigned int aColorType)
 Returns the color index for the Ox style. More...
int GetWidth (void)
 Returns the canvas width. More...
void Print (const string aFileName)
 Prints current canvas in a file. More...
void Print (const string aFileName, const double aScaleFactor)
 Prints current canvas in a file with a rescaling factor. More...
void Print (const string aFileName, const unsigned int aNewWidth, const unsigned int aNewHeight)
 Prints current canvas in a file with a new size. More...
void RedrawAxis (Option_t *option="", int aPadIndex=0)
 Redraw the frame axis. More...
void ResetLegend (void)
 Resets and removes current legend box. More...
void ResizePlot (const unsigned int aWidth, const unsigned int aHeight)
 Resizes the global canvas to new dimensions. More...
void SetGridx (const int aValue=1, const int aPadIndex=0)
 Set/Unset grid for X. More...
void SetGridy (const int aValue=1, const int aPadIndex=0)
 Set/Unset grid for Y. More...
void SetLogx (const int aValue, const int aPadIndex=0)
 Set Lin/Log scale for X. More...
void SetLogy (const int aValue, const int aPadIndex=0)
 Set Lin/Log scale for Y. More...
void SetLogz (const int aValue, const int aPadIndex=0)
 Set Lin/Log scale for Z. More...
void UnDraw (TObject *aObj, const int aPadIndex=0)
 UnDraws a ROOT object. More...
void UnDrawLegend (void)
 Removes the legend box from the pad. More...
void UpdateText (const string aText)
 Updates text in the plot. More...
 GwollumPlot (const string aName, const string aStyleName="GWOLLUM")
 Constructor of the GwollumPlot class. More...
virtual ~GwollumPlot (void)
 Destructor of the GwollumPlot class. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ReadTriggers
 ReadTriggers (const string aPattern, const string aDirectory="", const unsigned int aVerbose=0)
 Constructor of the ReadTriggers class. More...
virtual ~ReadTriggers (void)
 Destructor of the ReadTriggers class. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Segments
bool AddSegment (const double aGpsStart, const double aGpsEnd, const int aTag=1)
 Adds a segment to the list. More...
bool AddSegments (Segments *aSeg)
 Adds a segment list to the list. More...
bool Append (const double aGpsStart, const double aGpsEnd, const int aTag=1)
 Appends a segment to the list. More...
bool Append (Segments *aSeg)
 Appends segments to the list. More...
bool Append (TTree *aSegmentTree)
 Appends segments to the list. More...
bool Append (vector< double > aGpsStarts, vector< double > aGpsEnds, vector< double > aTags)
 Appends segments to the list. More...
bool ApplyPadding (const double aPadStart, const double aPadEnd)
 Apply a padding to all segments. More...
void Dump (unsigned int aNcols=2, const string aTxtFileName="")
 Dumps the current segment list in the standard output or in a file. More...
double GetDuration (const unsigned int aSegmentIndex=0)
 Returns the duration of a given segment. More...
double GetEnd (const unsigned int aSegmentIndex=0)
 Returns the ending time of a given segment. More...
vector< double > GetEnds (void)
 Returns the list of segment ends. More...
double GetFirst ()
 Returns the starting time of the first segment. More...
TH1I * GetHisto (const double aOffset=0.0)
 Returns an histogram representing the segments. More...
TH1I * GetHistogram (const double aGpsStart, const double aGpsEnd, const double aOffset=0.0)
 Returns an histogram representing the segments. More...
double GetLast ()
 Returns the ending time of the last segment. More...
double GetLiveTime (const double aGpsStart, const double aGpsEnd)
 Returns the livetime between two GPS times. More...
double GetLiveTime (const unsigned int aSegmentIndex)
 Returns the livetime of one segment. More...
double GetLiveTime (void)
 Returns the total livetime. More...
double GetLiveTimeWithTag (const int aTag)
 Returns the livetime for segments with a given tag. More...
unsigned int GetN (void)
 Returns the number of time segments in the list. More...
unsigned int GetNWithTag (const int aTag)
 Returns the number of time segments in the list with a given tag. More...
int GetSegmentStartBefore (const double aGps)
 Returns the segment starting just before a given GPS time. More...
double GetStart (const unsigned int aSegmentIndex=0)
 Returns the starting time of a given segment. More...
vector< double > GetStarts (void)
 Returns the list of segment starts. More...
bool GetStatus (void) const
 Returns the status of the Segments object. More...
int GetTag (const unsigned int aSegmentIndex=0)
 Returns the tag of a given segment. More...
vector< int > GetTags (void)
 Returns the list of segment tags. More...
TTree * GetTree (const double aGpsStart, const double aGpsEnd)
 Returns a formatted TTree representing the segments. More...
TTree * GetTree (void)
 Returns a formatted TTree representing the segments. More...
bool Intersect (const double aGpsStart, const double aGpsEnd, const int aTag=1)
 Intersects with a segment. More...
bool Intersect (Segments *aSeg)
 Intersects with a segment list. More...
bool IsInsideSegment (const double aGps)
 Checks whether a given GPS time is inside a segment of the list. More...
bool IsInsideSegment (unsigned int &aSegmentIndex, const double aGps)
 Checks whether a given GPS time is inside a segment of the list. More...
bool MakeSecond (void)
 Rounds segment boundaries to integer seconds. More...
void Reset (void)
 Resets the segment list. More...
bool Reverse (void)
 Reverses the segment list. More...
void SetTag (const unsigned int aSegmentIndex, const int aTag)
 Tags a given segment. More...
void SetTags (const int aTag)
 Tags all segments. More...
bool TruncateAfter (const double aGps)
 Removes segments after a given time. More...
bool TruncateBefore (const double aGps)
 Removes segments before a given time. More...
 Segments (void)
 Default constructor of the Segments class. More...
 Segments (const string aSegmentFile, const int aDefaultTag=1)
 Constructor of the Segments class. More...
 Segments (TTree *aSegmentTree)
 Constructor of the Segments class. More...
 Segments (const string aFilePattern, const string aDirectory, const string aTreeName)
 Constructor of the Segments class. More...
 Segments (const vector< double > aGpsStarts, const vector< double > aGpsEnds)
 Constructor of the Segments class. More...
 Segments (const double aGpsStart, const double aGpsEnd, const int aTag=1)
 Constructor of the Segments class. More...
virtual ~Segments (void)
 Destructor of the Segments class. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Streams
void GetDetectorAMResponse (double &aFplus, double &aFcross, const double aRa, const double aDec, const double aPsi, const double aGmst)
 Computes antenna factors \(F_+\) and \(F_\times\). More...
unsigned int GetDetectorIndex (void)
 Returns the detector index for this stream. More...
string GetDetectorPrefix (void)
 Returns the detector prefix for this stream. More...
string GetDirectory (const string aOutDir=".")
 Returns the stream directory. More...
double GetLocalTime (const double aRa, const double aDec, const double aGeocentricTime)
 Converts the geocentric time to the detector local time [s]. More...
string GetName (void)
 Returns the stream full name. More...
string GetNameConv (void)
 Returns the stream name using the LIGO-Virgo file name convention. More...
string GetNamePrefix (void)
 Returns the stream name prefix. More...
string GetNameSuffix (void)
 Returns the stream name suffix. More...
string GetNameSuffixUnderScore (void)
 Returns the stream name suffix with only underscores. More...
string GetTriggerFileName (const unsigned int aGpsStart, const unsigned int aDuration, const string aFileFormat="root", const string aProcessName="PROC", const string aOutDir=".")
 Returns the stream trigger file name. More...
void SetName (const string aName)
 Sets a new name to the stream. More...
 Streams (const string aName, const unsigned int aVerbose=0)
 Constructor of the Streams class. More...
virtual ~Streams (void)
 Destructor of the Streams class. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Sample
double GetHighPassFrequency (void)
 Returns the current highpass frequency. More...
unsigned int GetNativeFrequency (void)
 Returns the current native sampling frequency [Hz]. More...
unsigned int GetWindowSize (void)
 Returns the window size (=0 if no windowing). More...
unsigned int GetWorkingFrequency (void)
 Returns the current working sampling frequency [Hz]. More...
void SetDCRemoval (const bool aDCremove=true)
 Activates/Deactivates the DC removal. More...
bool SetFrequencies (const unsigned int aNativeFrequency, const unsigned int aWorkingFrequency, const double aHighPassFrequency=0.0)
 Defines frequencies for the transformation. More...
bool SetHighPassFrequency (const double aHighPassFrequency)
 Defines a highpass frequency. More...
bool SetNativeFrequency (const int aNativeFrequency)
 Sets a new native sampling frequency. More...
void SetWindow (const unsigned int aWindowSize, double *aWindow)
 Defines the window. More...
bool SetWorkingFrequency (const unsigned int aWorkingFrequency)
 Sets a new working sampling frequency. More...
bool Transform (const unsigned int aInSize, double *aInData, const unsigned int aOutSize, double *aOutData)
 Transforms data. More...
 Sample (const unsigned int aVerbosity=0)
 Constructor of the Sample class. More...
virtual ~Sample (void)
 Destructor of the Sample class. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from GwollumOptions
void Add (const string aTag, const string aKey, const double aDefaultValue, const unsigned int aSize=0)
 Adds an option to the list (double). More...
void Add (const string aTag, const string aKey, const int aDefaultValue, const unsigned int aSize=0)
 Adds an option to the list (int). More...
void Add (const string aTag, const string aKey, const string aDefaultValue, const unsigned int aSize=0)
 Adds an option to the list (string). More...
void Add (const string aTag, const string aKey, const unsigned int aDefaultValue, const unsigned int aSize=0)
 Adds an option to the list (unsigned int). More...
void AddOptionValue (const string aTag, const string aKey, const double aValue)
 Appends a value to a variable-size option (double). More...
void AddOptionValue (const string aTag, const string aKey, const int aValue)
 Appends a value to a variable-size option (int). More...
void AddOptionValue (const string aTag, const string aKey, const string aValue)
 Appends a value to a variable-size option (string). More...
void AddOptionValue (const string aTag, const string aKey, const unsigned int aValue)
 Appends a value to a variable-size option (unsigned int). More...
void Copy (GwollumOptions *aG)
 Copies an external GwollumOptions object into this. More...
void FillTree (void)
 Saves options in a TTree. More...
double GetOptionDefaultD (const unsigned int aOptionIndex)
 Returns an option default value. More...
int GetOptionDefaultI (const unsigned int aOptionIndex)
 Returns an option default value. More...
string GetOptionDefaultS (const unsigned int aOptionIndex)
 Returns an option default value. More...
unsigned int GetOptionDefaultU (const unsigned int aOptionIndex)
 Returns an option default value. More...
unsigned int GetOptionIndex (const string aTag, const string aKey)
 Returns the option index. More...
string GetOptionKey (const unsigned int aOptionIndex)
 Returns an option key. More...
unsigned int GetOptionNumberOfValues (const string aTag, const string aKey)
 Returns the option number of values. More...
unsigned int GetOptionSize (const string aTag, const string aKey)
 Returns the option size. More...
unsigned int GetOptionSize (const unsigned int aOptionIndex)
 Returns an option size. More...
unsigned int GetOptionsN (void)
 Returns the number of options. More...
string GetOptionTag (const unsigned int aOptionIndex)
 Returns an option tag. More...
char GetOptionType (const string aTag, const string aKey)
 Returns the option type. More...
char GetOptionType (const unsigned int aOptionIndex)
 Returns an option type. More...
double GetOptionValueD (const string aTag, const string aKey, const unsigned int aValIndex)
 Returns an option value (double). More...
bool GetOptionValueD (double &aValue, const string aTag, const string aKey, const unsigned int aValIndex)
 Returns an option value (double). More...
int GetOptionValueI (const string aTag, const string aKey, const unsigned int aValIndex)
 Returns an option value (int). More...
bool GetOptionValueI (int &aValue, const string aTag, const string aKey, const unsigned int aValIndex)
 Returns an option value (int). More...
string GetOptionValueS (const string aTag, const string aKey, const unsigned int aValIndex)
 Returns an option value (string). More...
bool GetOptionValueS (string &aValue, const string aTag, const string aKey, const unsigned int aValIndex)
 Returns an option value (string). More...
vector< double > GetOptionValuesD (const string aTag, const string aKey)
 Returns the list of option values (double). More...
vector< int > GetOptionValuesI (const string aTag, const string aKey)
 Returns the list of option values (int). More...
vector< string > GetOptionValuesS (const string aTag, const string aKey)
 Returns the list of option values (string). More...
vector< unsigned int > GetOptionValuesU (const string aTag, const string aKey)
 Returns the list of option values (unsigned int). More...
unsigned int GetOptionValueU (const string aTag, const string aKey, const unsigned int aValIndex)
 Returns an option value (unsigned int). More...
bool GetOptionValueU (unsigned int &aValue, const string aTag, const string aKey, const unsigned int aValIndex)
 Returns an option value (unsigned int). More...
bool Is (const string aTag, const string aKey)
 Checks whether an option exists. More...
bool IsProvided (const string aTag, const string aKey)
 Checks whether an option was provided. More...
bool IsTheSame (GwollumOptions *aG)
 Checks whether two GwollumOptions objects are identical. More...
bool ReadChain (bool &aIsUniform, TChain *aChain)
 Reads options from a TChain. More...
unsigned int ReadTextFile (const string aOptionFile)
 Reads an option file and extract the list of options. More...
bool ReadTree (const string aRootFileName, const string aTreeName)
 Reads options from a TTree in a ROOT file. More...
bool ReadTree (TTree *aTree)
 Reads options from a TTree. More...
void RemoveOption (const string aTag, const string aKey)
 Removes an option. More...
void Reset (void)
 Resets the list of options. More...
void ResetOption (const string aTag, const string aKey)
 Resets the list of option values. More...
void SetDefault (const string aTag, const string aKey)
 Sets an option to default value. More...
void SetOptionValue (const string aTag, const string aKey, const unsigned int aValIndex, const double aValue)
 Sets a value of an option (double). More...
void SetOptionValue (const string aTag, const string aKey, const unsigned int aValIndex, const int aValue)
 Sets a value of an option (int). More...
void SetOptionValue (const string aTag, const string aKey, const unsigned int aValIndex, const string aValue)
 Sets a value of an option (string). More...
void SetOptionValue (const string aTag, const string aKey, const unsigned int aValIndex, const unsigned int aValue)
 Sets a value of an option (unsigned int). More...
void WriteH5 (H5::H5File *aFile, H5::DataSpace &aDataSpace)
 Writes the options as attributes in a hdf5 file. More...
void WriteTextFile (const string aFileName)
 Writes all options in a text file. More...
void WriteTree (const string aTreeName)
 Writes the option TTree in a TFile. More...
void WriteTree (const string aTreeName, const string aRootFileName, const string aSubDirectory="")
 Writes the option TTree in a TFile. More...
 GwollumOptions (void)
 Constructor of the GwollumOptions class. More...
virtual ~GwollumOptions (void)
 Destructor of the GwollumOptions class. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Triggers
bool AddTrigger (const double aTime, const double aFrequency, const double aSNR, const double aQ, const double aTstart, const double aTend, const double aFstart, const double aFend, const double aAmplitude, const double aPhase)
 Adds a trigger to the Triggers object (only available in write-mode). More...
bool Clusterize (const int aTag=1)
 Clusters the triggers. More...
double GetClusterAmplitude (const unsigned int aClusterIndex)
 Returns the amplitude of a given cluster. More...
double GetClusterBandwidth (const unsigned int aClusterIndex)
 Returns the bandwidth of a given cluster [Hz]. More...
double GetClusterDuration (const unsigned int aClusterIndex)
 Returns the duration of a given cluster [s]. More...
Long64_t GetClusterFirstTrigger (const unsigned int aClusterIndex)
 Returns the index of the first trigger in a given cluster. More...
double GetClusterFrequency (const unsigned int aClusterIndex)
 Returns the frequency of a given cluster [Hz]. More...
double GetClusterFrequencyEnd (const unsigned int aClusterIndex)
 Returns the end frequency of a given cluster [Hz]. More...
double GetClusterFrequencyStart (const unsigned int aClusterIndex)
 Returns the start frequency of a given cluster [Hz]. More...
int GetClusterIndex (const double aTime)
 Returns the index of cluster overlapping a given GPS time. More...
double GetClusterizeDt (void)
 Gets the clustering \(\delta t\) parameter. More...
unsigned int GetClusterizeSizeMin (void)
 Gets the cluster minimal size: \(M_{min}\). More...
double GetClusterizeSnrThr (void)
 Gets the SNR threshold for clustering. More...
double GetClusterMaxDuration (void)
 Returns the maximal duration of clusters [s]. More...
double GetClusterMeanDuration (void)
 Returns the mean duration of clusters [s]. More...
unsigned int GetClusterN (void)
 Returns the current number of clusters in memory. More...
double GetClusterPhase (const unsigned int aClusterIndex)
 Returns the phase of a given cluster [rad]. More...
double GetClusterQ (const unsigned int aClusterIndex)
 Returns the quality factor of a given cluster. More...
unsigned int GetClusterSize (const unsigned int aClusterIndex)
 Returns the size (number of triggers) a given cluster. More...
double GetClusterSnr (const unsigned int aClusterIndex)
 Returns the signal-to-noise ratio of a given cluster. More...
int GetClusterTag (const unsigned int aClusterIndex)
 Returns the tag of a given cluster. More...
double GetClusterTime (const unsigned int aClusterIndex)
 Returns the time of a given cluster [s]. More...
double GetClusterTimeEnd (const unsigned int aClusterIndex)
 Returns the end time of a given cluster [s]. More...
double GetClusterTimeStart (const unsigned int aClusterIndex)
 Returns the start time of a given cluster [s]. More...
double GetClusterTotalDuration (void)
 Returns the total duration of clusters [s]. More...
double GetTriggerAmplitude (const Long64_t aTriggerIndex)
 Returns the amplitude of a given trigger. More...
double GetTriggerBandwidth (const Long64_t aTriggerIndex)
 Returns the bandwidth of a given trigger [Hz]. More...
double GetTriggerDuration (const Long64_t aTriggerIndex)
 Returns the duration of a given trigger [s]. More...
double GetTriggerFrequency (const Long64_t aTriggerIndex)
 Returns the frequency of a given trigger [Hz]. More...
double GetTriggerFrequencyEnd (const Long64_t aTriggerIndex)
 Returns the end frequency of a given trigger [Hz]. More...
double GetTriggerFrequencyStart (const Long64_t aTriggerIndex)
 Returns the start frequency of a given trigger [Hz]. More...
Long64_t GetTriggerN (void)
 Returns the current number of triggers in memory. More...
double GetTriggerPhase (const Long64_t aTriggerIndex)
 Returns the phase of a given trigger [rad]. More...
double GetTriggerQ (const Long64_t aTriggerIndex)
 Returns the quality factor of a given trigger. More...
double GetTriggerSnr (const Long64_t aTriggerIndex)
 Returns the signal-to-noise ratio of a given trigger. More...
double GetTriggerTime (const Long64_t aTriggerIndex)
 Returns the time of a given trigger [s]. More...
double GetTriggerTimeEnd (const Long64_t aTriggerIndex)
 Returns the end time of a given trigger [s]. More...
double GetTriggerTimeStart (const Long64_t aTriggerIndex)
 Returns the start time of a given trigger [s]. More...
bool ReadTriggerFiles (const string aPattern, const string aDirectory="")
 Reads a set of trigger files. More...
void Reset (void)
 Resets the Triggers object. More...
void ResetClusters (void)
 Resets the list of clusters. More...
void SetClusterizeDt (const double aDt)
 Sets a new clustering \(\delta t\) parameter. More...
void SetClusterizeSizeMin (const unsigned int aSizeMin)
 Sets the cluster minimal size: \(M_{min}\). More...
void SetClusterizeSnrThr (const double aSnrThr)
 Sets the SNR threshold for clustering: \(\rho_{min}\). More...
void SetClusterTag (const int aTag)
 Sets a new tag value for all clusters. More...
void SetClusterTag (const unsigned int aClusterIndex, const int aTag)
 Sets a new cluster tag value. More...
bool SetTriggerBranchStatus (const string aBname, const bool aStatus=true)
 Modifies the branch status of the trigger tree. More...
bool SortTriggers (void)
 Sort triggers by increasing values of tstart (only available in write-mode). More...
 Triggers (const unsigned int aVerbose=0)
 Constructor of the Triggers class. More...
virtual ~Triggers (void)
 Destructor of the Triggers class. More...

Private Member Functions

double GetMatch (double &aTimeShift, double &aSumw2, EventMap *aEMap1, const int aMapIndex1, EventMap *aEMap2, const int aMapIndex2, const double aTimeJitter)
void ResetAll (void)
void ResetMap (const int aMapIndex)
void ResetMapContent (const int aMapIndex)

Private Attributes

TH2D ** Map
 maps More...
int * MapBinXmax
 last time bin with something More...
int * MapBinXmin
 first time bin with something More...
int * MapBinYmax
 last frequency bin with something More...
int * MapBinYmin
 first frequency bin with something More...
double * MapCentralTime
 central time of the map More...
bool MapContentType
 content type : 0=snr, 1=amp More...
int * MapLoudestBin
 loudest pixel More...
double ** MapLoudestSNR_bf
 loudest pixel / frequency band More...
double ** MapNoiseAmp
 map noise amplitude / f-band More...
TriggerSelect ** MapParam
 map parameters More...
int MapPrinted
 index of map currently printed (-1 if none) More...
double *** MapSNR
 map pixel SNR More...
int Nmaps
 number of maps More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from GwollumPlot
string name
 Name. More...
int oxcolindex [4]
 TColor indices for Ox. More...
TColor * oxcolor [4]
 TColor for Ox. 0=background, 1=middleground/plots, 2=foreground, 3=grid. More...
int randid
 Random integer id. More...
string srandid
 Random string id. More...
string stylename
 Style name. More...
TCanvas * Wcan
 Working canvas. More...
TLegend * Wleg
 Plot legends. More...
TPad * Wpad
 Working pad. More...
TText * Wtext
 Additional text. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from Streams
string Name
 Stream name. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from Sample
double fHighPassFrequency
 Cutoff frequency. More...
unsigned int fNativeFrequency
 Native sampling frequency. More...
bool fRemoveDC
 DC removal flag. More...
unsigned int fVerbosity
 Verbosity level. More...
double * fWindow
 Window. More...
unsigned int fWindowSize
 Window size. More...
unsigned int fWorkingFrequency
 Working sampling frequency. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from Triggers
int randid
 Random integer to identify the class object. More...
string srandid
 Random integer (string) to identify the class object. More...
double Tamp
 Trigger amplitude. More...
double Tfend
 Trigger ending frequency [Hz]. More...
double Tfreq
 Trigger frequency [Hz]. More...
double Tfstart
 Trigger starting frequency [Hz]. More...
Long64_t * Toffsets
 Tree offsets in the chain (read-mode) - DO NOT DELETE. More...
double Tph
 Trigger phase [rad]. More...
double Tq
 Trigger Q. More...
double Tsnr
 Trigger SNR. More...
double Ttend
 Trigger GPS ending time. More...
double Ttime
 Trigger GPS time. More...
TTree * Ttree
 Pointer to active Ttree. More...
TChain * Ttree_read
 Trigger tree read-mode. More...
TTree * Ttree_write
 Trigger tree write-mode. More...
double Ttstart
 Trigger GPS starting time. More...
int Ttstart_us
 Trigger starting time (us). More...
int Verbose
 verbosity level More...

Detailed Description

Map triggers.

This class was designed to plot time-frequency maps of triggers. When initialized, the EventMap object creates map containers centered on 0. These containers can be filled with trigger SNR or amplitude. Maps can be used interactively or saved on disk. This class offers functions to interact with the maps, to compare maps, to animate the maps etc...

Florent Robinet

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ EventMap()

EventMap::EventMap ( const int  aNmaps,
const string  aPattern,
const string  aDirectory = "",
const int  aVerbose = 0 

Constructor of the EventMap class.

aNmaps map containers are initialized. The map parameters are set to default using input triggers (see TriggerSelect). The time range is set to +/- 2 seconds with a 201-pixels resolution and the frequency resolution is set to 200 pixels. By default, maps are filled with tile SNR.

aNmapsnumber of map containers
aPatterninput file pattern
aDirectorytrigger ROOT directory
aVerboseverbosity level

◆ ~EventMap()

EventMap::~EventMap ( void  )

Destructor of the EventMap class.

Member Function Documentation

◆ BuildClusterMap()

bool EventMap::BuildClusterMap ( const int  aMapIndex,
const int  aCl,
const double  aTimeCenter = 0.0 

Builds the map of a given cluster.

Only tiles of a given cluster are represented on the map. By default, the map is centered on the cluster peak time. Use PrintMap() to update the interactive pad.

aMapIndexmap index
aClcluster index
aTimeCenterif this value is non 0.0, the map is centered on this time value.

◆ BuildMap()

bool EventMap::BuildMap ( const int  aMapIndex,
const double  aTime 

Builds the map centered on given GPS time.

Use PrintMap() to update the interactive pad.

aMapIndexmap index
aTimecentral GPS time

◆ GetMapFrequencyMax()

int EventMap::GetMapFrequencyMax ( const int  aMapIndex)

Returns the map maximum frequency.

aMapIndexmap index

◆ GetMapFrequencyMin()

int EventMap::GetMapFrequencyMin ( const int  aMapIndex)

Returns the map minimum frequency.

aMapIndexmap index

◆ GetMapFrequencyResolution()

int EventMap::GetMapFrequencyResolution ( const int  aMapIndex)

Returns the map frequency resolution.

aMapIndexmap index

◆ GetMapLoudestFrequency()

double EventMap::GetMapLoudestFrequency ( const int  aMapIndex)

Returns the frequency value of the (SNR) loudest tile of a given map.

Returns 0.0 if failure.

aMapIndexmap index

◆ GetMapLoudestSNR()

double EventMap::GetMapLoudestSNR ( const int  aMapIndex)

Returns the SNR value of the loudest (SNR) tile of a given map.

Returns -1.0 if failure.

aMapIndexmap index

◆ GetMapLoudestTime()

double EventMap::GetMapLoudestTime ( const int  aMapIndex)

Returns the time value of the loudest (SNR) tile of a given map.

Returns 0.0 if failure.

aMapIndexmap index

◆ GetMapMatch() [1/2]

double EventMap::GetMapMatch ( double &  aTimeShift,
double &  aMatchSumw2,
const int  aMapIndex,
EventMap aExtMap,
const int  aExtMapIndex,
const double  aTimeJitter = 0.0 

Measures and returns the morphology match with an external map.

FIXME: explain the match algorithm. Returns -1.0 if this function fails.

aTimeShifttime-shift used to get the best match (applied to pixels of aEmap)
aMatchSumw2sum of weights squared
aMapIndexmap index
aExtMapexternal EventMap object.
aExtMapIndexmap index for the external EventMap object.
aTimeJittertime jitter +/- [s]

◆ GetMapMatch() [2/2]

double EventMap::GetMapMatch ( double &  aTimeShift,
double &  aMatchSumw2,
const int  aMapIndex1,
const int  aMapIndex2,
const double  aTimeJitter = 0.0 

Measures and returns the morphology match between 2 maps.

FIXME: explain the match algorithm. Returns -1.0 if this function fails.

aTimeShifttime-shift used to get the best match (applied to pixels of aMapIndex2)
aMatchSumw2sum of weights squared
aMapIndex1first map index
aMapIndex2second map index
aTimeJittertime jitter +/- [s]

◆ GetMapTimeRange()

int EventMap::GetMapTimeRange ( const int  aMapIndex)

Returns the map time range.

aMapIndexmap index

◆ GetMapTimeResolution()

int EventMap::GetMapTimeResolution ( const int  aMapIndex)

Returns the map time resolution.

aMapIndexmap index

◆ GetMatch()

double EventMap::GetMatch ( double &  aTimeShift,
double &  aSumw2,
EventMap aEMap1,
const int  aMapIndex1,
EventMap aEMap2,
const int  aMapIndex2,
const double  aTimeJitter 

◆ NormalizeMap()

bool EventMap::NormalizeMap ( const int  aMapIndex)

Normalizes the map pixels by the highest pixel value.

aMapIndexmap index

◆ NormalizeMapLoudest()

bool EventMap::NormalizeMapLoudest ( const int  aMapIndex)

Normalizes the map pixels by the value of the loudest (SNR) tile.

aMapIndexmap index

◆ PrintMap()

bool EventMap::PrintMap ( const int  aMapIndex)

Prints the map with a given index.

aMapIndexmap index

◆ PrintMapLive()

bool EventMap::PrintMapLive ( const double  aDuration,
const string  aOutFile = "none" 

Prints a live movie of maps incrementing the current central time.

Once a map is plotted, this function can be called to move forward in time. The live map stops after 'aDuration' seconds have been covered. This movie can be saved as an animated gif if an output file is given. Use a negative duration to move backward in time.

aDurationduration in seconds after what the live map stops
aOutFilepath to output file.

◆ PrintMapNext()

bool EventMap::PrintMapNext ( const double  aTimeFraction = 0.25)

Prints the map incrementing the current central time.

Once a map is plotted, this function can be used to move back and forth in time. The time fraction indicates the fraction of the map time range used for the shift. A positive value will move forward in time while a negative value will move backward.

aTimeFractiontime range fraction used to move to the next map

◆ ResetAll()

void EventMap::ResetAll ( void  )

◆ ResetMap()

void EventMap::ResetMap ( const int  aMapIndex)

◆ ResetMapContent()

void EventMap::ResetMapContent ( const int  aMapIndex)

◆ SetMapAmplitudeContent()

void EventMap::SetMapAmplitudeContent ( void  )

Sets map content to tile amplitude.

◆ SetMapFrequencyRange()

bool EventMap::SetMapFrequencyRange ( const int  aMapIndex,
const double  aFreqMin,
const double  aFreqMax 

Sets a new map frequency range.

aMapIndexmap index
aFreqMinnew minimal frequency value [Hz]
aFreqMaxnew maximal frequency value [Hz]

◆ SetMapQRange()

bool EventMap::SetMapQRange ( const int  aMapIndex,
const double  aQMin,
const double  aQMax 

Sets a new map Q range.

aMapIndexmap index
aQMinnew minimal Q value
aQMaxnew maximal Q value

◆ SetMapResolution()

bool EventMap::SetMapResolution ( const int  aMapIndex,
const int  aTresolution,
const int  aFresolution 

Sets a new map resolution.

The map resolution is defined by the number of time/frequency pixels in the map.

aMapIndexmap index
aTresolutiontime resolution (number of pixels)
aFresolutionfrequency resolution (number of pixels)

◆ SetMapSNRContent()

void EventMap::SetMapSNRContent ( void  )

Sets map content to tile SNR.

◆ SetMapTimeRange()

bool EventMap::SetMapTimeRange ( const int  aMapIndex,
const double  aTimeRange 

Sets a new map time range.

aMapIndexmap index
aTimeRangenew time range value [s]

Member Data Documentation

◆ Map

TH2D** EventMap::Map


◆ MapBinXmax

int * EventMap::MapBinXmax

last time bin with something

◆ MapBinXmin

int* EventMap::MapBinXmin

first time bin with something

◆ MapBinYmax

int * EventMap::MapBinYmax

last frequency bin with something

◆ MapBinYmin

int * EventMap::MapBinYmin

first frequency bin with something

◆ MapCentralTime

double* EventMap::MapCentralTime

central time of the map

◆ MapContentType

bool EventMap::MapContentType

content type : 0=snr, 1=amp

◆ MapLoudestBin

int* EventMap::MapLoudestBin

loudest pixel

◆ MapLoudestSNR_bf

double** EventMap::MapLoudestSNR_bf

loudest pixel / frequency band

◆ MapNoiseAmp

double** EventMap::MapNoiseAmp

map noise amplitude / f-band

◆ MapParam

TriggerSelect** EventMap::MapParam

map parameters

◆ MapPrinted

int EventMap::MapPrinted

index of map currently printed (-1 if none)

◆ MapSNR

double*** EventMap::MapSNR

map pixel SNR

◆ Nmaps

int EventMap::Nmaps

number of maps

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: